Happy Wicked Classy Wednesday


JFK status
JFK status

Dear Diary,

Today is Wednesday May 21st, 2014 (Wealth Wednesday). It is 11:30 and I am very hungry; however, I am classy AF, so I have that going for me. Today has been a solid day, and it has gone by very slowly. I am currently in Film class with all my best friends. The film year, starting in September and ending in May, is over. I am sad because of this. Someone once said “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” So let’s take a look back at the highlights from this year’s Clementine Crew. Heanue and I stole a computer table from the health room and carried it all the way back to the computer lab #ClementineHeist2014. Three first time directors – Remdog Millionaire, Matty Pageviews, and Loose Cannon – were nominated for Best Director (get it, get it). I found the Door script – a gem of an antique. At one point, Montana and I were in the auditorium painting and listening to smooth jazz…talk about cultured. We made a killer movie, and as we all know, it’s not about the nominations, it’s about the movie making process and bonding with your crew….jk it’s about winning. Frank DeBlasio is the man. Confession: I go through all his favorites on twitter on a daily basis because they are hilarious. And lastly, all the movies this year were unreal. I was crying laughing through AP Health and Bucket List; crying crying through Day in the Life; scared crying through The Haunting; crying through Carmichael because I thought I was gonna die; crying through Xavier Grades because I didn’t make it into their movie as an extra; crying at the glory that is Rory Hardiman and The Cleaners; and just continued crying through Martin in the Margins. Congrats to errbody on a stellar year.

The end,                                                                                                                                                                  Stedman

I don’t belong to a crew but I belong in film <33

Hey it’s meg d comin in with a blog on clementine crew!!

So I dont actually feel like I belong to clementine crew because I did not contribute to their movie in any way whatsoever.  But…I don’t belong to any other crew either so I chose to be with my bff Remy <333 (a&f)

WHAT I DID THIS YEAR IN FILM: I was the person behind “the making of the 12th annual film festival.” WOOHOOO!! I joined film second semester and everyone was already part of a crew so I was the outsider and then mr alan was like “ur in charge of the documentary” so i was like cool so i labeled footage and interviewed people and I finally got my 14 minutes of shine on awards night.

I had a lot of fun this year and got to know some cool people…a lot of “good quality human beings”(Harrison Berkland, the making of).

I’m gonna miss my senyah year so much and mr alan, a cool cool teacher!!!

bye everyone! make the documentary of the film festival 2014 or make excuses!

Wrappin’ up 2k14

Here it is: my second to last film class ever. Our movie premiered last Tuesday and even though we only got one nomination, everyone loved it and said we did a great job. The other movies were also amazing and everyone did such a phenomenal job on all of them.

There’s a bunch of people I’d like to give a shout out to:
Montana for being an incredible director and for putting up with me whenever I slacked off
Remy for being a great co-editor for two years straight
Brownsword for being able to take on the role of actor, director, and editor all at once
Stedman for his incredible acting and incredible personality
Heanue for his group hugs
Quince Crew for their brotherly (crew) love (especially Bryan Kelleher)
Wax Jambu for tolerating our antics and for being great neighbors
Meg D, Kayla Flynn, and Sara Murtagh for cheering me on while I write this blog

Photo on 2014-05-21 at 11.29

Everyone else is writing their final blogs too so be sure to check them out. Working on this crew has been an incredible experience and I would highly suggest joining film to anyone who wants to. This has been a great year and Film made it even greater!

DeBlasio out!


that’s a (w)rap

This year was really great

even though we never had a crew date

even when we had a lot on our plate

and we killed it by staying after late

we made a rad movie, it was fate.

We all became friends

and worked hard until the end

to make sure we were able to transcend

all the expectations of an inexperienced crew, which I commend.

We heisted a few things

including a desk, trophy and chrome book that we took under our wing

but we didn’t get second looks when we took trick shots on an everyday fling.

Thanks for the great time

I know in college we’ll all shine

and I hope that in your hearts you’ll remember,



Loose Cannon, Montana

Back from the dead just to say goodbye

Hey guys, it’s Drew.


I’ve had quite a journey lately, getting out of school on Wednesday with a freak case of appendicitis.  Yes, I’m okay now. I’m not dead, but it did at one point feel like i would die. But really, it’s all good!

This illness did cause me to miss out on the red carpet showing, which was a massive bummer because I wanted nothing more to be with my crew on such a wonderful occasion. But, nonetheless, I give my congratulations to all of the winners and nominees. Huge props to Mango and A Day in the Life for winning Best Picture, they earned it. Also, shout out to Strawberry and Ssssssabaaaaaa for winning best Art Direction. She was such a driving force within the Art Direction community, she’s fantastic.

Remy, Montana and Matt were wonderful directors to work with and it was a massive pleasure.  They deserved their nomination for their work one hundred percent, and the rest of us Clementines are so happy for them.

Being an Art Director in this crew was an unbelievable experience, and working in the sacred Clementine Corner will be one of my best memories. Working alongside the duo of Stedman and Heanue was unreal. They’re great people, really. You should get to know the both of them if you haven’t gotten the chance. 

I say farewell to you all, thank you very much for this experience.

Happy Summer

Drew, Clementine’s Art Director

Its the end!

Seniors are getting out soon, which is good. After a hard year of work towards the film festival I’d say it turned out well. Great movies across the board, really well done. For my Crew I would like them to know this was a great time, and their hard work really payed off well in the end. Clementines are a fierce fruit and even though we did not win awards, we won something through our hearts, and that is the pride of knowing we produced a movie.

This is Heanue saying

Roll out

Clementine Out.

After the premieres on Sunday, Tuesday, and the Red Carpet Night on Friday; the Film Festival was over. All the movies had been shown to those who had paid to see them, all the crews were (or at least should have been) proud of the accomplishments of everyone. Personally, I was very impressed with our nomination for Best Director as well as the unbelievable support from everyone who watched our movie. 

But I must correct myself: I said the FIlm Festival was over, but I lied. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea of next year’s scripts, characters, and directions if you’re an underclassman, but this is my last hurrah. My first and last movie for the Walpole High School. However, I still do not think Film is done. I’ve met so many incredible people inside and outside of the Film classroom, before, during, and after school. Some of these people were my best friends, and some of them have just gained this status. 

(Marc is still trying)

There’s a few clubs (few and far between) that have the kind of effect that film does. It’s not just about making movies (or making excuses), it’s about learning about life. How to make friends, how to step out of your comfort zone, how to work hard, and most importantly, how to have fun. It may be Film, and we may make a movie, but at the end of the day, I don’t give a damn about how great or well-received my movie was. I care about the amazing memories that I made with unforgettable people. Next year, I hope to take the Brown Film Festival by storm with Ashley and bring Walpole to Ivy League Movies. 

That’s a f****** wrap. 

Matt “Cuss-Mouth” Brownsword.


What’s up guise!!! It’s Wicked Classy Wednesday so I’m bein wicked classy even though Matt thinks I look like a prostitute… #HatersGonHate. It’s my third to last day of public school EVA… #PrivateSchoolLife. I’m gonna talk about film now. Imception turned out to be a really dope movie and I’m super glad that I was able to create such art with the Clementine Crew:

Matt, who is my son.

Montana, who is Ray J.

Frank, who is my editing partner in crime.

Heanue, who is always MIA

Drew, who plays tennis real well. #sports

Jack, who I initially forgot, quite ironically, since he keeps a large section of my heart.

and Meg D, who is my bestie and isn’t actually on our crew or a contributor to Imception in any way but she plays Music Trivs for us and was going to walk the red carpet with us until she decided not to.

If you’re reading this, which I don’t expect many will, you’re probably reading everyone else’s blogs. There is a plethora of blogs at this moment because we have to for a grade and none of us want to take a final. #TurnDownForFinals, but we won’t be taking any so #TurnDownForWhat still stands. Thanks y’all for all your support, you guys (my fans) rock my socks.

Congratulations to all the other crews for their success!!!


Clementine Takes Europe

So Remdog Millionaire and Brownsword are currently across the pond. Remy has been living it up in Spain for the past week, while Matt is casually taking a weekend trip to London, no big deal. I’m not super jealous that he’s going to the Man City vs Arsenal game or anything. Montana is a bit lost without her two other directors: It’s  a bit like two slices of the clementine are missing. Nevertheless, Heanue, Drew, Frank, Montana, and I will forge on.

Frank is dominating on the editing front, just tearing through every scene thrown his way. Montana is getting some editing done on the scene she shot yesterday with administration. Yesterday, Drew pulled through with the briefcases full of money, and Heanue has been fantastic in his new role  of “Group Hug Initiator” in times of need.

In other news, music trivs battles have been won and lost, and the shirts are finalized. Clementine will be rocking the charcoal tee with antique orange writing. So much steez.

Clementine’s just going to keep doing it thing. Roll out.


Photo on 2014-03-28 at 10.45 #2