Clementine Takes Europe

So Remdog Millionaire and Brownsword are currently across the pond. Remy has been living it up in Spain for the past week, while Matt is casually taking a weekend trip to London, no big deal. I’m not super jealous that he’s going to the Man City vs Arsenal game or anything. Montana is a bit lost without her two other directors: It’s  a bit like two slices of the clementine are missing. Nevertheless, Heanue, Drew, Frank, Montana, and I will forge on.

Frank is dominating on the editing front, just tearing through every scene thrown his way. Montana is getting some editing done on the scene she shot yesterday with administration. Yesterday, Drew pulled through with the briefcases full of money, and Heanue has been fantastic in his new role  of “Group Hug Initiator” in times of need.

In other news, music trivs battles have been won and lost, and the shirts are finalized. Clementine will be rocking the charcoal tee with antique orange writing. So much steez.

Clementine’s just going to keep doing it thing. Roll out.


Photo on 2014-03-28 at 10.45 #2


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